Exhibition | Galleri Brænderigården | Søndergade 41 | 8700 Horsens | Denmark | Opening November 23rd 17-19 | Curator, Bente Hammershøy
CKL are the initials of three sound women, Carmen Ghecca, Karin Lønbæk and Laila Rask Pedersen. The female artists each have their special artistic expression. Carmen exhibits paintings and installations. Karin her paintings. Laila exhibits ceramics along mixed media. The naturalistic pieces of the three artists, awkward among others, initiates a dialogue, underlining their differences within motif and choice of material, nevertheless communicative - in search of inter-communicative similarities.
The artists are chosen and the exhibition is curated by art historian Bente Hammershøy.
CKL are the initials of three sound women, Carmen Ghecca, Karin Lønbæk and Laila Rask Pedersen. The female artists each have their special artistic expression. Carmen exhibits paintings and installations. Karin her paintings. Laila exhibits ceramics along mixed media. The naturalistic pieces of the three artists, awkward among others, initiates a dialogue, underlining their differences within motif and choice of material, nevertheless communicative - in search of inter-communicative similarities.
The artists are chosen and the exhibition is curated by art historian Bente Hammershøy.
Carmen Ghecca, is a contemporary artist with her finger on the pulse, unfolding herself within oil paintings of amplified sorts, along installations related to contemporary existence. Her errand is humanity, and if not as a whole, then in parts, containing messages, perpetuated by the artist. Ved at fokusere på disse enkeltdele fremmer hun sit motivvalg og understreger sine værker, der kommer til udtryk som eksempelvis, hvad hun har for tanker om forbrugersamfundet, når hun udformer en installation, en kvindekrop, hvis gennemhullede hoved flyder over med en overflod af ting, der fylder det moderne menneskes tanker. |
There is something about Karin Lønbæk and cows! She's committed to renew the motif of cows in many ways, revealing her graphical background and her incorporated gene of painting. Amusingly signing her paintings: Karin & Ko (ko=cow=co | Danish). Karin also uses the signature KLØ | THRASH The motifs well-thought throughout the last couple of years. The cows, solemn or in pairs, with a twist of humor and soreness towards these big mammals. As an example, this implements itself in finest format within works, illustrating five cows on a bell-wire, one on top of the other. |
Autodidakt keramiker. Laila har gået fire år på Aarhus Kunstakademi, hvor hun studerede blandingsformer og keramik. Hun udtrykker sig kraftfuldt keramisk og med blandingsformer med et helt særligt udtryk, der både får en til at trække på smilebåndet og til at tænke efter, hvad man ser. Laila has developed her talent trough many years. |